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Compassion Circle In-Person
Reconnect with yourself. Feel more at ease and gain a deeper understanding of others.
Led by Aviva Kamander, LCSW
Over the past 30 years, there has been substantial research supporting the cultivation and application of compassion as a key component of well-being. It's now widely recognized that compassion is innate. We are born with a caring system, and a natural desire to help others who are suffering. During times of uncertainty and social unrest, we're more likely to experience higher levels of stress and worry, which can block our natural tendency to help. Through guided meditations, group discussion, and explanation of concepts to deepen mindfulness and compassion practice, i.e. resonate breathing, safe space imagery, simple body scan, and relaxation techniques, you will gain tools to embrace life with joy and connect to the beauty and positivity of self and others.
Aviva Kamander, LCSW, has worked as a coach-psychotherapist for 20 years and started meditating in1998. She has extensive training in mindfulness and other approaches that support emotional regulation and everyday well-being. Aviva is a Rye resident with an office in Mamaroneck, NY.